Mind & Magick MasterClass
Mind and Magick
This bundle contains...
The 4 Courses
Words of Power
The Secrets of Wealth
Fire & Water
Spells of Love & Loss
Protection & Defense
Thoughtforms & Servitors
For those who want to go All In! This is the one stop for ALL Mind and Magick programs & courses to date for the lowest discounted price available. This is it, this is everything! Over 38 hours of magickal content!
The Complete Works of Frater Xavier includes the following audio & video programs:
- Words of Power (Full Version)
- Manifesting Reality (Full Version)
- The Seven Planetary Powers ( Full version)
- The Secrets of Wealth
- The Divine Mind: Mastering the Subconscious
- Godforms
- Fire & Water
- Thoughtforms & Servitors
- Psalms: Magick of the Old Testament (Full Version)
- Protection & Defense
- Revival: Magick for Health & Wellbeing
- Spells of Love & Loss
- Finding Your Path & Purpose
Also included are the following fully remastered audio courses:
- The Laws of Magick
- The Laws of Magick Vol. 2
- The Laws of Riches
- Advanced Tarot
Please Note: As more programs are developed, released and added to this complete package, the price will go up accordingly.
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I want this!You'll get every Mind and Magick program & course by Frater Xavier to date!
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